RE: Burger Week, the Mercury’s unrepentant celebration of all things ground beef and clogged arteries, that is, yes, technically only six days long, Gregorian calendar be damned.

I know the Gregorian calendar counts one week as seven days and much to my devastation, the Burger Week calendar considers one week as only six days! I had carefully plotted my burger exploration to culminate with the yummiest delicacy of dead cow for Sunday! I was crushed, confused, and a little salty that my aspirations for another kick-ass $5 burger were squelched!!



RE: “Old Town Karaoke Mainstay the Boiler Room Is Being Pushed Out by New San Francisco Property Owners” [Blogtown, Aug 11], in which Dirk VanderHart reported on the bar’s impending closure. “A new owner has decided it doesn’t want the karaoke mainstay around, and is simply declining to renew the lease,” VanderHart wrote, delivering the facts, which is his job. “Not long ago, the building that houses the Boiler Room, at 228 NW Davis, was purchased by a San Francisco-based real estate group, Swift Real Estate Partners, city records show.”

SAN FRANCISCO??!? Did you say SAN FRANCISCO, Dirk? Pushed out by SAN FRANCISCO property owners? “San Francisco” is the Merc’s favorite clickbait phrase these days.

Todd Mecklem

They pushed us out of the building as well. We’d been there for three years, had negotiated new terms with the old owner who kept pushing off having us actually execute the lease (clearly while he was negotiating with Swift), and kicked us out with less than three weeks’ notice. They wouldn’t negotiate the lease rate at all and told us they’d rather keep it empty. They even told me they don’t plan on holding the Merchant Hotel building for long. It’s all about the flip for their investor pool.


Yes, please tell us again how Californians aren’t ruining Portland. How this new influx of money and ideas is making it better. I’ll wait. *crickets*


There’s no good reason why Dirk should report that the San Francisco real estate company that bought the building is from San Francisco. In the future, Dirk should withhold any and all facts that might cause offense to Todd. Offending Todd is bad journalism.


The San Francisco property owners should have set up a New York-based LLC to buy the property—then nobody would be complaining.



RE: “Portland’s Most Intriguing Cat Ladies,” Megan Burbank’s piece for the Pet Issue [Feature, Aug 10] about four of the city’s most delightful cat-owning women, whose intrigue should be obvious if you read the article.

I take umbrage as to why these specific woman were chosen (no tea to the fine ladies featured) because you didn’t establish why they are the most intriguing cat ladies... What was the criteria for being “intriguing”? Sample size?



RE: “A Better Journey,” Wm. Steven Humphrey’s piece for the Pet Issue [Feature, Aug 10] on Dr. Lori Gibson’s in-home pet euthanasia service Compassionate Care.

Dr. Gibson was so great. We had to put down a 21-year-old cat, and her assistance was very compassionate, caring, and gentle.



RE: Nothing we wrote. He’s just being helpful.

The best sparkling water is Kroger brand club soda, available at Fred Meyer anywhere from 69 cents to 94.

Brian A. Cobb

Though some of us are LaCroix loyalists, Brian A. Cobb makes a solid point. Kroger brand club soda is cheap and good and gets the job done in unseasonably hot summer weather. In recognition of your kindhearted reminder that we need not go far to enjoy such a cooling drink, Brian, we’re giving you two tickets to the Laurelhurst Theater—an establishment that offers a dizzying array of fizzy beverages.