Music Aug 14, 2008 at 4:00 am

Jack Johnson Removes Shoes, Lowers Bar


What the hell is the matter with you? This kind of snobbery is exactly what's wrong with this otherwise wonderful little town. If Jack Johnson was playing $5 shows at the townhouse lounge your "review" would probably be very different. Calling his music "frat-boy odes" is just moronic.
Here, here! This is the most honest, well-written music criticism I have seen written in the Mercury in a long, long time. And kudos to you for your knowledge of the boxing legend.
" Nick Drake for the date-rape set."

Jealous much? Maybe his music doesn't appeal to you, but I find it interesting that b/c he's a white dude that grew up surfing in Hawaii you feel that he is somehow less deserving of his success.
Oh Ned. Caught up in your confused, sarcastic, snobbis, cool to not be cool, conforming little world - you try way to hard. It is judging losers like you that we could do without in this beautiful special town.
i love it ha :)
Slam is right - slam fuckin dunk. This is one of the most honest, well-written reviews that I have read for a long long time. I am glad someone had the guts to speak out against this mediocre bullshit. Personally, I liked "sad bastard murmur"
You overlook the fact that the best demographic for his music is KIDS. My little boy loves it and for that it has inherent value.
amen. Can we talk about the suck that is John Mayer next?
I'll admit to listening to Jack Johnson here and there. No, he's not cutting any edges, but being that 99.99% of us are not "music critics", means that we can actually just enjoy music for what it is rather than have to be "challenged" by it 24/7, which sounds miserable. But that aside, near as I can tell, the songs are anti-war and life/love affirming. Hardly seems to deserve a cheap-shot connection to date rapes.
Hah! Well said!

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