Music Jul 14, 2011 at 4:00 am

Highlights in music the week of July 14-20

The Woods, 6/14


I am always curious in this day and age how people get there positions in life and employment. Particularly when I read "articles" like the above regarding Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam.
Opinion (like or dislike) of a band, singer or what have you often leaves you wondering where a person's perspective lies.
Then I read the rest of the "articles" and it all became a lot more clear. This is someones attempt to be witty and seem intelligent regarding elements they clearly have no knowledge of. Music in general seems to be something you don't have a lot of knowledge on.
I would take your comment seriously if only you used "there " correctly. In that first sentence it would be "their". I am on a crusade to get people on the internet to use there, their, and they're correctly. It isn't hard people jesus christ!

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