News Aug 19, 2015 at 4:20 pm

City Doesn't Have the Records You Want? Ask Them to Look Again

Molly Mendoza


I requested a copy of my online coursework from Portland State University. They told me that the hard drive was gone. I told them that records are supposed to be kept of where all equipment is moved to, and for them to find it. They said that it had been disposed of. I told them that there is supposed to be an auction of all used equipment; that nothing is permitted to be tossed out. They ignored me after that, until I filed the State of Oregon equivalent of the Freedom of Information Request, which they acknowledged, and then failed to further respond. I've got so many other legitimate grounds to sue PSU, that it would bankrupt the State.
The worst thing is that if the hard drive were in fact either sold at auction or stolen, my confidential personal information along with many other students is on there.
The Fascists that run PSU and it's Gestapo create a liability for the State, yet remain personally absolved from their abusive criminal misconduct.

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