Pet Issue 2016

The Mercury Pet Issue Presents... PETS IN ACTION!

It's the Mercury Pets In Action Photo Contest Winner, and Check Out the Mercury Pet Issue!

Portland’s Most Intriguing Cat Ladies

Portland’s One of the Cat Lady Capitals of the World. Here’s What Four of Them Had to Say About Their Fuzzy Pals and Fighting the Stigma.

Pet? You Are NASTY!

Is Your Pet a Perv? Read and Find Out!

Portland’s Pretty

The Hottest Looks from Lents’ Chicken Beauty Contest

Great Dogs of History!

Think Your Dog Is Great? Read Our List of Truly Incredible Dogs and Think Again.

Pet Rent, Explained

All About the Extra Money You Pay to Live with Your Pet

Make Your Pet Pay Rent!

Its Days of Freeloading Are OVER

High on the Nip

Heather and Jonathan Sielaff Run the Best Darn Cat Instagram in Portland

A Better Journey

How At-Home Pet Euthanasia Helps Families Grieve and Heal

On Second Thought... Maybe You Shouldn’t Get a Dog

(Because, Sometimes? The Dog You Want Isn’t the Dog You Get.)

Congratulations, Sadie!

Here's the winner of our Mercury "Pets in Action" photo contest! And while you're here, check out our other Pet Issue articles, including such topics as "Your Pervy Pet," at-home euthanasia, great dogs of history, why you have to pay pet rent, HOW to get your pet to pay pet rent, the most intriguing cat ladies of Portland, why you actually maybe shouldn't get a dog, and more!