Lydia Pagett
Creator of Cloacine Jewelry

Lydia's style is bright, fun, and vintagey, which is basically what quintessential summertime Portland fashion boils down to. Cop her look by following these dos:

- Do wear yellow: "No one notices people in a room full of black. And anyone who tells you you're a 'season,' like winter or spring, should be immediately discredited."

- Do remember your accessories: "Men should wear more cuff links and ties."

- Do go for the original: "If you choose to follow trends, customize with vintage items, because anyone in the country can get J. Crew. Fashion houses just pick a decade every year, so spend less and get an original from that era."

- Do make sure your pants fit: "I'd much rather see the curve of your body than your threadbare boxer shorts."

- Do bring back hats and gloves: "I know a lot of people that would love to wear hats but they don't have enough courage. Don't worry about matching your purse, but there's nothing like a beautiful hat to make you stand out."

Jesse Rush Champlin
Freelance Photographer

Jesse is an expert on these fashion don'ts, as he's been sporting them for years. Somehow, when "Camaro" (dude is nicknamed after his car) wears them all at once, it works in a NYC-tainted "I photograph hella models" kind of way. But don't even try it:

- Don't wear muscle tees: "What? Are you gay?"

- Don't sport a mullet: "This isn't Jersey City circa 1992."

- Don't use a muscle car as a fashion accessory: "She's not going to hump you because of your car. Especially at $2.30 a gallon."

- Don't wear manties (men's panties): "Absolutely no manties, plum smugglers, banana hammocks, or Speedos. Get some board shorts, Fabrizio."

- Don't wear gaudy gold jewelry: "Stop jacking off to The Sopranos. You're not made."