Portland theater owners—what the hell is up with projecting a copy of a DVD and calling it a film screening? If a print exists or we can watch the DVD at home, you have no reason to throw puke up on the screen in the form of pixels and further accelerate the death of cinema. If you do, at least warn people on your website! I am sick of setting time aside, driving out to a theater, paying for concessions, and then feeling that sick drop of disappointment as an ugly video haze suddenly fills the screen. At least we know the Living Room is digital only. A print once fell through for the Laurelhurst and the distributor told them to screen a DVD—they refused and showed a print of something else instead. By contrast, another local theater showed a restored print during a recent festival, and when the print left town they continued on, showing a DVD instead—warning no one, letting people assume it was the previously advertised restored print. This is wrong. Portlanders—if you care that you are looking at slop, ask for your money back. If you don't, soon no one will screen actual films—because why bother?—Anonymous