Long-awaited plans for a community center at the vacant Washington High School field on SE 12th and Stark are inching forward. In late May, the parks bureau submitted plans for a deluxe center including a gym, indoor pool, art rooms, and underground parking lot for the site next to the mothballed high school (which a developer is slated to renovate into housing). But don't hold your breath—the budget and timeline for the project are still unknown and will likely rely on voters passing a parks bond at some future date. SARAH MIRK

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Still steaming over the city's refusal to listen to an arbitrator and reinstate Ron Frashour, the cop who shot and killed Aaron Campbell, Portland Police Association President Daryl Turner continued his public-relations war of words in the latest edition of the his union's newsletter. Turner, who in June dished on secret testimony and documents from Frashour's arbitration, now accuses the city of trying to "suppress" transcripts from the hearing to cover up a "politically motivated" decision. He also rips a decision by Mayor Sam Adams to have the city's independently elected auditor, LaVonne Griffin-Valade, investigate some of Turner's accusations. He said because Griffin-Valade works in the same building as Adams, that somehow disqualifies her from weighing in: "This doesn't pass the smell test. Mayor Adams has made it clear that he doesn't want this investigation and the arbitration transcripts outside the walls of city hall." DENIS C. THERIAULT