PORTLAND'S VISTA BRIDGE has seen stepped-up scrutiny since a Beaverton teen jumped from the landmark on June 5. The bridge has a troubled history with suicides, but it seems political will is gathering to bring that to an end. Mayor Charlie Hales and Commissioner Steve Novick have talked up a $2.5 million plan to construct barricades on the 87-year-old bridge while maintaining its historic feel. But the city is eyeing federal money that won't be available for years. In the meantime, Novick is pushing for construction of temporary barriers. "We know enough about suicide to know it can be a one-time impulsive thing, and the fact somebody kills themselves doesn't mean they were doomed to kill themselves," he says. DIRK VANDERHART


THE CITY OF PORTLAND appears to have quelled some discontent, at least, over its November 2012 settlement with the US Department of Justice over police abuses. True, the Portland Police Association (PPA), the city's main police union, refuses to sign off on the terms of the settlement, claiming they put officers at risk. But the city announced on Monday, June 10, that it's on the verge of an agreement with the Albina Ministerial Alliance, a leading voice in the call for police reform. The city didn't offer any details on the agreement—it's being looked over by a federal judge—but said it could be official within two weeks. Meanwhile, the PPA issued its own release, saying it's done all it can to foster an agreement with the city. DVH