RE: "Vaccines: Still Legit" [Letters, Jan 30], in which allegations of a causal relationship between vaccines and autism is rebuked by one Dennis McMillan.

DENNIS McMILLAN—It's hard to read such ignorance.

My own son is autistic from being vaccinated. This is no "conspiracy theory." Of course the Vaccine Court is going to reject links between their deadly and poisonous cocktails and autism. Corporate science is not to be trusted on the human level most of us actual live [on]. Repeating statistics from some shady science sources is the serious threat to this laidback society that blindly trusts its fear-mongering government. Real life has nothing to do with what someone is getting paid to print in a statistic book or rule in a "vaccine court." I am still amazed at the adults who chose (out of fear) to get the flu shot and still wonder why they got the flu!

Kit Beaver



RE: "Closed Mic" [Feature, Feb 6], kinda.

DEAR PORTLAND MERCURY—Make sense? You don't make sense. You make words up like Ma$e. Any weekly that wants to touch it? Fuck the pace. Fuck a lan-diline. Fuck a land sword, fuck a hand court. Motha fuckin' acid can chord, yo. I thought "Drop the Mic" was going to be about the "wild legend" of Suki's Half Drag Comedy Show. Turns out you in Camcoon wit amsoons, mamsoons, and mad frikkaloons. Now, all you get is six lumps every time you touch.

Matt Mylez



RE: "The Tragic Legacy of James Chasse Jr." [News, Feb 6], on the newly released documentary film Alien Boy, chronicling the Chasse's life and 2006 death at the hands of Portland police.

The following email was sent to [author] Denis [Theriault] in response to questions about the film Alien Boy, albeit after the print deadline: "The chief and police bureau aren't going to offer any thoughts on the film itself. As Chief [Mike] Reese has said repeatedly since he took office in May 2010, the death of James Chasse was a tragedy that deeply impacted his family, the community, and the Portland Police Bureau. Since the chief has taken over, the bureau has implemented numerous improvements to its response to those who suffer from mental health issues. As we move toward a settlement agreement with the DOJ [Department of Justice], the bureau will be making additional improvements. Though these improvements will never change what occurred on September 17, 2006, it is our hope that police officers and mental health providers will have better systems in place to respond to those vulnerable people in our community who need us the most."

Sgt. Peter Simpson, Public Information Officer, Portland Police Bureau

HELLO—I just read your article about James Chasse Jr. I don't cry very often but the picture alone was unbearable. A man dies alone surrounded by people who are supposed to help him. What the goddamn fuck? Why beat a senseless, skinny man so hard? When we break things down, who is really at fault? Were people really eating at Bluehour watching a man bludgeoned to death while they "enjoyed" happy hour? The irony is that the people who we hired to stand guard are soaked with something so subtle yet acutely and insidiously evil. We are failing ourselves.




RE: "Kombucha" [Portland as Fuck, Feb 6], in which columnist Ian Karmel finally nuts up and tries kombucha... and kind of likes it.

Oh fuck. I have to start drinking kombucha now? Will I have to bring it to the next Portland as Fuck Fan Club potluck? Damn you, Ian, why couldn't you stay at Voodoo Doughnut?

posted by Number 6

YOU DON'T HAVE TO do everything Ian does, Number 6, but while you're at it, he also loves movies and beer and pizza and guess what? They have all three at the same time over at the Laurelhurst Theater, where we're sending you for winning the Mercury's letter/comment of the week!