On what’s more or less my one-year anniversary of the Mercury allowing me to bring you Portland’s Pretty in print form, I’ve decided to bring it back full circle.

About a year ago, I found myself at Dot’s Cafe covering a show featuring DJs Brian Ellis and Gwizky that was crazy fun. In fact it was so successful, there was talk of these two doing a monthly engagement—which sadly has not come to fruition as of yet. I figured I’d hold onto some pictures from that night in hopes that they’d do a few more shows... but why wait any longer? Here they are, and thank you Portland Mercury for giving me an additional platform to present the pretty people of Portland to Portland. I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts on what you’d like to see in year two! Is there a DJ night I’m missing? Shows you’d like me to attend? Neighborhoods you’d like to see me cover? Or maybe just a bar or restaurant where people always come correct? I’d LOVE to know!

Thanks also to all the pretty people who pose for me, and everyone who reads, skims, or just looks at the pics! xo

The art of wearing black and yellow while not looking like a bee is not lost on me. Kudos to this buzzy babe. Marissa Sullivan
The art of matching purse to shoes to jacket embellishment is also not lost on me.  Marissa Sullivan
The art of mixing prints and matching colors is not lost on me either. Marissa Sullivan
PLZ DNT. Marissa Sullivan
If you say so. Marissa Sullivan
Marissa Sullivan
Brian Ellis is in the middle, while the guy in all white is KILLING it. Marissa Sullivan
I’m always a hard yes to pink jackets.  Marissa Sullivan