Items Received From Many Sources

Jacob Leese, a Portland tailor, has been declared insane. No cause is assigned, save a natural melancholy disposition.

Van Tassell, the balloonist, who was in Portland about a year ago, dropped from his balloon with a parachute in Honolulu recently, alighting in the ocean. He was eaten by sharks.

Ben Freeling, of Baker City, was arrested on complaint of a prostitute with whom he had been living, because he threatened to kill her. Ben was once a model young man. The girl was once pure, too-when in her cradle.

Townsend, the Ashland barber, who chewed a Frenchman's nose, is under $400 bonds. The Frenchman is recuperating at the hospital.

In a murder trial at Walla Walla, on Thursday, the Chinese witnesses were sworn in true celestial style. A chicken was killed in open court, and the heathens swore by its blood. If by this means Chinese witnesses can be induced to tell the truth, there is some hope for the future of the race. The ordinary Chinaman has no more respect for his oath than a Pawnee Indian has respect for the latest Paris fashions. If blood will make them tell the truth, the slaughter of a cow or a horse in "open court" would be a good idea.

Originally published in The Sunday Mercury, November 23, 1889