Bikes Feb 13, 2009 at 10:49 am


God... This is not what PDX needs. More super-heroes? I bet this is all a marketing gimic for The Watchmen.

No cats allowed.
You're right Graham. To hell with people being nice to each other. That is just ridiculous -- especially when everything else in the world right now is so WONDERFUL.
I don't have any problem with people being helpful and nice. I don't know how you got that out of what I said. I'm unhappy with the whole masked-man vigilante bike repair. I think that he should take off the mask.

PDX already has one superhero. I think that's one too many
I've had a flat twice in 13 years of riding, and each time I've had at least 3-4 people stop and offer to fix. Why the mask/PR again?
Graham, I have to disagree with you which breaks my little tiny cold heart.

There can never be enough superheroes in the world.

Although, I would prefer one who stuck up for regular, awesome, walking people and not just bike riding elitists.

That's right, I said it. ELITISTS.

Except all of my friends. Who ride bikes. Not them. The other ELITIST ones.
Kiala, haven't you read Watchmen? Superheroes leads directly to rioting in the streets and giant blue men stepping on people in Indo-China.

And what kind cyclist needs help with a flat? That's the single easiest thing to fix on a bike.
I have read Watchmen. But I have also read Buffy.

I Want To Believe Graham!
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Wow. Someone paying it forward (never mind that risible movie of the same title).

We could use a lot more of that.
I'd help you with your tire Matt, but I'm on the other side of town, 7 hours later. (No, I'm not the superhero. I give away more tubes than I use myself though. Maybe I should get a mask and a costume.)
i had a dude come out of that baptist church with the neon sign on salmon to help me with a flat once. giving a christians a good name, that one was.

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