
Wouldn't it be more newsworthy if the BTA WASN'T acting whiney and entitled?
" make bike funding actually match the big heap of hype showered on bikes in Oregon"

Ha ha. Um Sarah, it's you guys showering that on yourselves.

Thanks for the promotion, but it was Planning Commission, not City Council that approved the plan last night :-)

(Planning Commissioner) Chris Smith
Has anyone noticed the massive numbers of cyclists on the road in the recent (rainy) couple weeks?
Portland features a large community of bicycle enthusiasts.
God, Blabby, do you EVER have anything constructive to say?
Things like facts and details, such as knowing the actual governing body the meeting was held by, aren't really all that important to the Merc Planning Commissioner Smith.
Do they factor in the cost of replacing the roadway that gets painted over for bike-only applications? If they don't, the BTA may be arguing a non-issue.
Paul, here's something constructive:

The survey of Pdx residents found that one of the few areas they were less happy about from 2005 was the state of the roadways. In addition, almost 70% of working Portlanders drive to work by themselves every day. Add in the carpoolers and bus riders, and figure out how many people depend on ample, well-maintained, auto-oriented roadways.

Let's not worry about diverting additional funds to the small minority of people who regularly use bikes. If they'd like to pay a tax or fee, then they can do that themselves. And while they're at it, they can come downtown and take this green f**king pain off the streets and allow me get where I need to go.

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