
I was wondering why the PPBIO sent out a press release for a routine accident. I didn't know that the dude was vaguely famous.

But I'm not sure why you use the phrase "jock". It seems like some sort of high-school-esque attempt at segregating people who are in better shape than yourself into a clique or something.
But seriously folks, from QB of the Detroit Lions to biking near felony flats is actually a step UP the success ladder.*


*except for those millions he made.
I know sports are strictly for those Gjurgevich and Careff fellows, but i'm enough of a blazers snob to point out that its Pryzbilla, sans s.
Even Joey Harrington can't make me care about bikes or Detroit,
Actually, it's Przybilla. Sans s, swap z and y.
@display name - thanks for the szpelling help.

@graham - I thought the PPB sending out a press release about it was a little weird, which is why I went for the phrase "famous jock" to point out that he's just another dude involved in a pretty typical traffic crash.
Joey was at UO at the same time as me, and one time he walked by my ex-boyfriend and I when we were holding hands, and my ex-boyfriend let go of my hand all fast and took like two steps away from me and stood up all straight and kind of puffed up his chest to look strong. And I was like, you think Joey fucking Harringston gives a shit that you hold hands with your girlfriend?! Then I dumped him.

That is my Joey Harrington story. It's too bad he got hit by a car.
Bad to fatal vehicle to car accidents have (almost) wiped out people who made everything we know about the Internet in the Bay Area. Likely NYC and Portland too. Bikers hit by cars are people.
That's an excellent story Joneser. Nothing says "dump me, I'm worthless" than such a terrible display!
Sounds like one of Savage's advice columns:

Joneser: "He acted awkwardly! Wah!"

Savage: "DTMFA!"
I feel bad for being jokey about a guy getting hit by a car. That's not cool, TSW. It seems like he's a good guy who does a lot of charity work. Hope he recovers quickly.
Joey Harrington is going to be fine, trust me. He got far worse when he played behind us
the awful D lines of the Lions, Dolphins, Saints and Falcons
Could'nt resist. Actually I have met Joey at a charity event great guy, wish him the best. And I would call a Heisman finalist and QB who played with 4 NFL teams a bit more than somewhat famous. Then again, I realize the Mercury is a music/arts paper, not a sports paper

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