Don't give up hope, just because the Rose Parade is over. Give up hope because of THE NEWS!

1.TOKYO MASSACRE!!! A man describing himself as "tired of life" kills 7 in a rampage through Japan's capital.
KILLING SPREE: Perfect accompaniment to your corn flakes...

2.$109,283!!! Is how much Clinton spent per delegate in her failed campaign to be President.

3.Immigration!!! "President" Bush orders Federal contractors to check the legal status of their employees. In return he offers to undergo psychiatric evaluation while he makes a "farewell tour" through Europe. "Good riddance tour," more like it.

4."We're not on a plantation, Clint!!!" Spike Lee hits back at Eastwood over "shut his face" remarks. Does not say "hey, this is really good publicity for both of us."

5.MOM!!! Jessica Alba has her baby. Lucky baby. Suck suck suck. Etcetera.

Good day.