OREGONIAN GRADES ADAMS ON 100 DAYS!!! Copy editors at the paper obviously haven't been watching the Daily Show, and go with the tired old "report card" format for assessing the mayor's performance in this morning's paper edition, accompanying Mark Larabee's article. What's odd is they give Adams an A on transportation (hello, Columbia River Crossing?!!) and an A minus on sustainability and planning (hello Rose Quarter redevelopment, Major League Soccer, Portland Plan sliding by the wayside?!). But the analysis doesn't seem to really scratch the surface of Adams' 100 day plan. Check this week's upcoming Mercury for a more original format and a sense that effort has really been expended by the news team, on your behalf.

SONIA SOTOMAYOR!!! Is Barack Obama's supreme court choice. She grew up in the Bronx. She's Puerto Rican. The GOP can't challenge her appointment without shooting itself in the foot. Still, conservative Matt Drudge has a fair crack at the old foot-shooting this morning, choosing red type to announce the news:


CALIFORNIA AWAITS PROP 8 DECISION!!! Cries of "activist judges" and "right wing extremism" expected to fly left and right.

OCTO-MEL!!! Gibson is expecting eighth child.

NORTH KOREA FIRES MORE MISSILES!!! Oh dear. The Sun runs a segment called "Nuke Box Jury," asking readers if they're concerned about the move. Responsible subtitle: "Will it be WW3?"

BRIT WOMAN SHOPPED FOR ADULTERY IN DUBAI!!! But it's cool. You know how Arab cultures are with infidelity. And women. Er...

Good day.