Our film editor and our art director are in San Diego for Comic-Con, so I'll have to wait for the in-person account from Erik Henriksen regarding the attention that was focused on upcoming 3D movies like Avatar, A Christmas Carol, Alice in Wonderland, and Tron: Legacy, all of which are pretty clearly going to be awesome. According to today's NYT report, the 3D-day was a big success, and Johnny Depp was even there!!! But Henriksen just sent me this cynical text message:

The stuff I saw was jaw-dropping, but the 3D stuff was just a minor part of it. It's largely a marketing gimmick for higher ticket prices and getting people into theaters more, I think, but it can be cool when used right. The way it's used in Avatar is pretty impressive and immersive, but I don't think it's the moviegoing revolution the studios are selling it as.

Way to be a boner killer, Erik.
