d2bcomer: Do you know what your children are up to?
  • Image via ehow.com
  • d2bcomer: Do you know what your children are up to?

On Sept. 10, Portland Police Officer Cody Berne testified that some gang members will use Washington Nationals hats and Boston Red Sox jackets to signify their loyalty to certain gangs. It’s not a Portland-centric thing, either. Last year, the Washington Examiner reported that Bloods had been sporting Washington Nationals gear with “D.C’ emblazoned on it, which the gang dubbed as standing for “death to Crips.” And according to this expert on ehow.com, Boston Red Sox hats are also favorites of the Bloods.

But it’s not just baseball. Continuing to build credibility, d2bcorner says the Nutty Blocc Crips even wear NBC hats (though this video begs to differ). British Knights shoes stand for “Blood Killers.” Can you see where this is going with CK jeans? Yeah, d2bcorner says they’re gang symbols, too. They stand for "Crip Killers."

I may have to go shopping.