
Mmmmk. The party was supposed to start at 6:00 pm. I arrive to the World Forestry Center (I know I thought it was kinda of an out of the way location as well!) at 6:15. Alley is nowhere to be seen. Also, the hall the party is being hosted in reeks of fish but all that is being served is Hot Dogs. What???

After a few minutes of undoubtedly looking a bit shifty in the sparsely filled room, I start to pop off a few pictures. I am then promptly greeted by a young man in a well fitted suit who tells me he's working on Alley's campaign. I assume this is his way of inquiring what a dude in thick glasses and longish hair like (uh namely me) is doing here. I tell him I'm with the Merc see, and he gives me the scoop: Alley's supposed to be out in about 15 ot 20.

I wait another 20 minutes or so. Still no Alley. But people seem to be enjoying the hot dogs.

6:45 - I'm getting pretty bored and wishing that the booze didn't cost money. $4 for a Coors Light? Really?

7:00 - Alley enters the room. Cameras start to flash (mine included) and he is into the schmooze fest in a matter of seconds.

I got a brief second to talk to Mr. Alley who said he felt good about tonight, and that he and his team were happy how they executed their plan. He looked calm and he spoke eloquently.
God I wish I could stick around and see if his calm manner changes as the results come. But I gotta get my ass to the Rose Garden to see if I can get the same kind attention from Dudley and his people.

More to come soon!