Katrina: Five Years Later: Obama says he'll fix everything.

Seven US Soldiers Killed Today: Two separate roadside bombs in Afghanistan killed seven Americans.

The Other BP Spill: BP accidentally releases huge amounts of toxic chemicals in Texas, forgets to tell the neighbors.

Mosque Torched in Tennessee: Accelerant found after mosque burns... also someone drove buy blasting "Dixie" from their truck.

The Japanese Tea Party: They're loud, they're proud, and they hate Koreans.

Obama Doesn't Care That You Think He's Muslim. "There is, a mechanism, a network of misinformation that in a new media era can get churned out there constantly."

Douche Your Way to a Raise: According to this ad, courtesy of SocioImages


Human Feet Keep Washing up on Washington's Shore: A tourist discovered the ninth human foot to wash up on the West Coast in three years.

PGE vs. the Environment, Round XVII: PGE and the state bicker over the closing date for Boardman coal plant.

iPads for Quakers! Every new student at Newberg's George Fox University can get a free iPad.