I just got back from picking up a hunk of smoked gouda and a baguette at my local Fred Meyer and on my way out I noticed a bunch of orange signs plastered all over the store's games section.

According to a nearby clerk they recently tried putting a ton of games on clearance to cope with the ailing economy, but when that didn't help the store's higher ups decided to sweeten the pot by adding an additional "40% off" tag to the entire selection. As a result every gaming system now has a range of really awesome deals.

For instance, I picked up a copy of Rock Band Unplugged for $7 and the criminally underrated Retro Game Challenge for $10.68. Tomorrow I plan to go back and buy Motorstorm for $10, Assassin's Creed 2 for $15 and the Resident Evil 5 Collector's Edition bundle for $25.

I asked the helpful store employee how long the sale would be running and the response was "until our stock runs out." That's good news for anyone worried about missing an arbitrary cut off date, but it also means that the sooner you get down there, the better the game selection will be.

So, like, hurry!