If there's anything you want to ask Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Kitzhaber before you fill out your ballot—any question at all—head on over to a little corner of the Interwebs we call Electionland. And you should probably go do it now. RIGHT NOW. November 2 is less than two weeks away.

It's easy: Kitz has a profile right here where us regular folks should feel free to pepper him about his plans for schools, his approach to taxes and spending cuts, and maybe even why he wants the state's top job again after two terms eight years ago that ended with him calling the state "ungovernable."

Don't worry about shooting from the hip. He dresses like a cowboy, so he should be cool with it. (Or certainly the multimedia campaign staffer in charge of the profile will be.) In fact, you should do your best to ask the kind of questions that keep the campaign from answering back with well-worn talking points.

If you've ever spent time on Questionland (a production of this publication and its sibling in Seattle), then Electionland ought to look familiar. Think of it like Questionland's elbow-patched egghead cousin. Join in on conversations about voting eligibility, where to go, how to do it, etc. (And, no, we don't mean that "it." Perverts.)