As you know, there are always a lazy few who wait until the last minute to think up a Halloween costume. These procrastinators eventually and invariably come up with a half-ass outfit that has the potential of ruining a perfectly good Halloween party. BUT THIS YEAR, IT'S GONNA BE DIFFERENT.
Because this year, I would like the commenters of Blogtown to come up with a definitive list of costumes NOT to wear on Halloween! I'll get it started:


Especially not SEXY CLOWN
  • Especially not "SEXY CLOWN"

OR Sexy Douchey
  • OR "Sexy Douchey"

Im not sure how I feel about Sexy Tigger in Spider-Man Underpants
  • I'm not sure how I feel about "Sexy Tigger in Spider-Man Underpants"

Okay, your turn! WHAT ARE THE WORST COSTUME IDEAS THAT YOU NEVER WANT TO SEE AGAIN? C'mon! Halloween desperately needs your help!