Today in news about things I never previously thought about but am now offended by, the Supreme Court has refused to hear an atheist's legal case demanding that "In God We Trust" be taken off national currency.

Yeah! WTF! This went about as well as the time atheists tried to get the "under God" taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. More evidence that Americans are all down with protecting religious freedoms... as long as you do have a religion.

And while I'm on this rant: Why don't atheists ever really complain about discrimination? The stats on Americans' perception of us Godless folks are actually pretty startling, like a nationwide Gallop poll that showed 48 percent of Americans wouldn't vote for an atheist (37 percent wouldn't vote for a gay politician and 38 percent wouldn't vote for a Muslim politician, which proves we are, uh, terrible). Why are court challenges like this one relatively infrequent? Why hasn't anti-atheist discrimination become completely taboo, the way discrimination against most religions has?

My personal opinion: Because we don't really give a shit. There's not a cohesive, widespread atheist culture, with atheist lore, family values, and traditions (except maybe gin and tonics at Christmas). If someone wants to say grace at dinner and tell me God loves me, I don't really feel discriminated against because I don't take it personally the way someone might who was raised with religion as an integral part of their identity. Asking someone to respect my lack of a God makes me feel like a prick who's read too much Fountainhead. And what's the point, especially since it's usually well-intentioned and we're all just going to die someday?

Having God be printed right on to our currency and into our national pledge of allegiance makes me feel like I'm a sort of a failure of a citizen. But whatever, SCOTUS, at least we'll be equals when we're worm food.