I need opinions people, and I need them whenever it's convenient for you.

A few minutes ago I hit "play" on the latest addition to the Mortal Kombat ad blitz. While the horrific gore and inhumanly cruel combat were both quite pleasant, one thought got lodged right in my craw: Are these "cinematic trailers" brilliant ads or shiny lies aimed squarely at any consumer who doesn't fit the "hardcore gamer" label?

Hit the jump to watch me straddle the line between thoughtful dialogue and compulsive over thinking.

In case you haven't seen any of the other footage from the new Mortal Kombat, the game doesn't exactly look like that trailer up there.

I mean, in a way it does look like that, but it's the gaming equivalent of Katy Perry before and after she's gussied up by a team of Photoshop artists. Mortal Kombat looks damn cool, and offers plenty of reasons for people to pick up a copy, but it certainly doesn't have the awesome cinematic camera or random background switching that adds so many extra layers of rad to that clip.

I get what they're going for here, and yes, I grasp how advertising works. I'll even admit that this is far from the worst example of this sort of PR spitshine. Still, I want to know how the consumer sees this. Have any of you ever seen a clip like that and been crushed when a game's reality doesn't quite match its primped, polished pre-release image?