Room for one more?
  • "Room for one more?"

It hasn't hit YouTube yet, so it's not embedded, but Apple's got the slick QuickTime version here. It's worth checking out, I think—the previous Apes films vary wildly in quality, but they're also weird, fascinating, goofy, and sometimes totally creepy things. It'll be interesting to see how Rise stacks up to its predecessors. There's nary a Marky Mark in sight (SO FAR), so that seems promising.

That title's still stupid, though. This thing was originally called Caesar, then Rise of the Apes, and now it's Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I don't know what's wrong with these idiots, as anyone can see this movie should be called Peeved Primates!, Monkey Mayhem!, Ape Apocalypse!, or HOLY FUCKING CHRIST THAT GODDAMN APE IS SILENTLY WATCHING US SLEEP KILL IT KILL IT NOW.

Also, I kind of want one of the characters in this movie to be someone from PETA, and then they get bludgeoned to death by an ape! One more reason you should hire me to write your movies, Hollywood.

Since this is the internet, I believe I'm legally obligated to put this on here, too: