The Cubs' "It Gets Better" video—which is after the jump—is great. But what really got me was seeing the Cubs' iconic Clark Street flashing "IT GETS BETTER." I probably rode my bike and the bus past that Cubs sign about 100,000 times when I was a teenager living on the North Side of Chicago struggling with when and how to come out to my family. And being dragged to Cubs games during that period of my life was made me feel painfully self-conscious because 1. I didn't give a shit about baseball and 2. I wanted to sit in the bleachers with my back to the game so that I could look up at the shirtless guys sunning themselves under the outfield sign but I couldn't look because I wasn't out.

Going to Cubs games as an adult and splitting your time between watching the game—which you've developed an appreciation for—and checking out the shirtless guys in the bleachers: Just one of the many ways that it gets better.

Cubs' IGBP video after the jump...