RIP DADT: American military members are now allowed to be out and proud. So exciting! I think I might cry.

Military MaGAYzine: A gay-centric military magazine is headed to base newstands.

Top GOPer Suddenly Quits: Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander is outta here.

Death by Cantaloupe! Watch out, the listeria-laced fruits are killing people.

Irony: The chairman of the Afghan High Peace Council is killed in a violent attack.

Free Troy Davis: Georgia has denied clemency Troy Davis, a man facing the death penalty whose case gained international attention because it's built on such dubious evidence.

School Lunch Crunch: The feds are mandating that public schools across the country make meals more nutritious, but that also means upping their price.

Radiolab Wins a Genius Grant: Everyone's favorite radio science show founder Jad Abumrad is officially a genius. Swoon.

Extreme Tricycle Racing: This is what's next for Portland, guys.

Ancient Beaver: The oldest beaver teeth in North America are found in Eastern Oregon!

Ginger Discrimination: The world's largest sperm bank is turning away redheaded donors. Sorry, kids.