So here's what the fanboys are going to do: They're going to watch this trailer on a frame-by-frame basis, tear into the goofy-ass music, argue that something Character X says contradicts something Character Y did in May of 1974, write thousand-word prognostications about who's shooting those purple lasers, complain about how jokey all these characters seem to be with all their jokes, pore over Tony Stark's Black Sabbath shirt for plot clues, and investigate if there are, in fact, any bows that really do that badass thing Hawkeye does with his bow.

I, on the other hand, am just going to geek the hell out. Because even now, after however much hype and however many lead-in solo movies, I am still bewildered and delighted that someone actually let Joss Whedon write and direct an Avengers movie. It's like they snuck into my head one night and stole a dream. So just let me be happy for once in my life and enjoy the moment, jerks.

Better quality here.