Ban's in the Bag: Today is the first day of Portland's city-wide plastic bag ban at major grocery stores.

Fussy Bus: The TriMet bus driver who kicked a mother and her crying baby off a bus is reprimanded.

Whose Streets?: Today also doubles as Occupy Wall Street's global call to action day, urging Occupiers to take their protests more public than they already are.

What the What: The House passes a bill, the Protect Life Act, that would bar federal funding for abortion clinics.

Dropping In: President Obama deploys 100 US troops to Uganda to help fight against the cruel and unusual Lord's Resistance Army.

Just When You Thought it Was Safe to Travel: The mayor of a Paris suburb bans Dumpster diving.

Plans for Next Friday?: Cancel 'em. Looks like the world's ending again on Oct. 21, but this time more discreetly.

Footloose Remake of the Day: It's not what you think.