See that dragon? Your tears nourish him.
  • Bandai Namco
  • See that dragon? Your tears nourish him.

It's like the headline says, the Mercury's review of Dark Souls is now a thing. A thing you can see here or at your local anachronistic newsboy. Go see that thing.

Those of you who have played the game (or its spiritual predecessor Demon's Souls), won't be at all surprised by what I wrote. The game is awesome, will murder your ass constantly, and is somehow even more awesome by virtue of the inevitable slaughter.

Those of you who haven't experienced the series however, should forget I just said that and buy two or three copies to hand out to all the neighborhood kids come the end of the month. Razor blades tucked inside apples are totally cliché at this point, and slicing up some pre-teen's soft palate won't have nearly the same lasting psychological scars as being virtually eviscerated hundreds of times over by angry skeletons and amorous trees.

And the less said about those damned curse frogs, the better.

In sum: two thumbs up, fun for the whole family.