We received a in-depth email from the Portland Police Bureau today, including every disruptive incident that took place at Occupy Portland over a 24-hour period, starting Monday morning. One of the tidbits that stood out from the rest (which is saying a lot) follows:

10:30 a.m. During the same incident, officers found that the porta-potties on the south side of Chapman Square along Southwest Madison Street were overflowing and it appeared raw sewage was running down the sidewalk toward Southwest 3rd Avenue. The sanitary conditions were reported to the Parks Bureau who said they were aware of issue.

Flowing rivers of sewage? I had to investigate. Turns out, the two porta-potties are seeping some kind of liquid (nothing chunky...too far?) that has made it five feet or so down the sidewalk towards SW 3rd Ave. In addition, the main bathroom behind the porta-potties is closed up due to clogging/other foulness. Will the Parks Bureau, that apparently are aware of this problem, take action or will these pee streams continue to crawl?

  • Creepin'