Dear person who reads I, Anonymous a lot,
The following person does not want to have sexual intercourse with you anymore, and here is the reason why:

I apologize profusely for having a voice and speaking my mind, as inferior as it may be to your mighty one. I actually do have a problem with your term "keeping it casual" when it entails I'm only allowed to bask in your fucking glory if a) it's on your terms b) no one is around to see me and c)it's at the shit-hole also known as your apartment. I thoroughly enjoy the fact that you think I should be thrilled, nay, accepting of your "I'm just being honest" statement made to me via text. The huge shit my cat produces for me to clean in his kitty box has more meaning and depth that your half assed text, dipshit.

Actually, there's more to why she does not want to have sexual intercourse with you anymore, and you may want to jump over to the I, Anonymous blog and read it. Oh, and while you're there, read the rest of them, too—because I think they might be about you as well.

Have a great day!
