Mitt Romney appears to be getting desperate, because he sure isn't running like a frontrunner anymore. The Washington Post just published this interview:

“He has been an extraordinarily unreliable leader in the conservative world—not 16 or 17 years ago but in the last two to three years,” Romney said. “And even during the campaign, the number of times he has moved from one spot to another has been remarkable. I think he’s shown a level of unreliability as a conservative leader today.”

He also attacked Gingrich for having made a television commercial in 2008 with then-House Speaker and current Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi promoting a global warming campaign.

“Let’s look at the record,” he said. “When Republicans were fighting for cap and trade and needed a leader to stand up against cap and trade, he did an ad with Nancy Pelosi about global warming,” he said. “When Republicans took one of the most courageous votes I’ve seen in at least a decade to call for the reform of Medicare under the Paul Ryan plan, he goes public and says this is a ‘right-wing social engineering’ plan. Even today he called it ‘suicide.’”

Just yesterday, Romney was telling Politico that he wasn't going to say anything about Gingrich that could be used as ammunition in the general election, should Gingrich win the nomination. I wonder how the Mitt Romney of yesterday would justify today's "extraordinarily unreliable leader."