Oregon History Diorama
  • Oregon History Diorama

There are very few opportunities in your life (aside from elementary school) when you will be praised and rewarded for your awesome diorama skills. Those tiny little shoebox scenarios were the stuff of many agonized late nights with rubber cement and construction paper, badgering your parents to help you with popsicle sticks and intricate scissor-work. If you were really lucky you wowed your classmates with an end product that looked like Lisa Simpson's rival's Tell-Tale Heart diorama. Most times it just looked like a wad of soggy cotton balls. But without the hindrance of rounded scissors maybe it's time to dust off the shoebox-decorating skills with the Kick Ass Oregon History Diorama Contest from the great local podcast Kick Ass Oregon History! Take it away press release:

It goes like this: Make a diorama depicting a Kick Ass Oregon Historical event. Take some pictures. Email them to us by Saturday, January 15. We will announce the winner at our January 17 Stumptown Stories show at the Jack London Bar (529 SW 4th). Bask in fame and glory and gain a whole gang of 26-year-old stripper girlfriends as a result ('cause strippers dig dioramas!).
Dioramas will be judged on:
1) Kick Ass-ness
2) Oregon Historical Significance
3) Originality
4) Ass Kicken-ness!

The prize? A Kick Ass Oregon History T-shirt, an awesome "It's your funeral" Diorama Kit prize donated by www.Criminalcrafts.com, internet fame, AND the panache to tell Suzie Snotgrass at the 15th reunion, "Oh shut your trap, bitch!"