Tonight! Second-Tier Politicians Bicker With One Another! It's the VP debate, with Biden and Ryan facing off. The Mercury hosting a screening at the Back Stage Bar.

Romney vs. The Women: Mitt's wriggling on abortion issues and still way behind in polls of female voters. Meanwhile, some people think he's a good leader.

And Just in Time: A guide to rich, old, white guys who hate Obama.

Crisis Brewing: Six countries are going to push new sanctions on Iran... they'll wait till after the US election, though.

Come Out, Come Out: Today is national coming out day, which reporters everywhere will try to turn into some sort of election story.

And the Nobel Prize in Literature Goes To... Chinese author Mo Lan, who no one was expecting to win.

Stick Thin is Out: Are female celebrities actually becoming less shamed for their weight?

His Millionaire Sense is Tingling: Comics creator Stan Lee is suing Disney over their use of Marvel characters.

PAUL RYAN SEXY WORKOUT PICS RELEASED! Okay, not really, but here's the guy who wants your vote tonight.
