Portland cops learned a former Legacy Emanuel nurse might have raped a patient in January of this year, but didn't follow up for months.

Now, a woman who says she was attacked by accused rapist Jeffrey N. McAllister in the interim period is threatening to sue the city.

In a tort claim notice filed last month, the woman claims cops failed to "adequately investigate previous complaints," against McAllister, specifically naming a January 17 report by a female patient the man had raped her.

As the Oregonian's reported, cops initially said accusations emerged against McAllister in April, eventually spurring an indictment alleging attacks as far back as 2009. But Portland Police also confirmed they took the January report on McAllister.

The tort claim notice was drawn up by Greg Kafoury—a Portland attorney well known for taking the cops to task. Though the document, examined by the Mercury, was heavily redacted, it appears to have been filed on behalf of a 37-year-old homeless woman who's also sued hospital administrators for $2.5 million, claiming neglect.

In that suit, the woman claims McAllister injected her with morphine, molested her and made her touch his penis on February 14. The complaint alleges the hospital knew about a past sexual abuse allegation against the man.

Kafoury hasn't responded a request for comment on the tort claim, but has opined on cops' culpability in this case before. In an August 7 blog post, he wrote: "Portland Police also have much to account for, since they were told details of McAllister’s conduct on January 17, 2013, but failed to make any serious effort to investigate the claims until April."