Don't try to catch up to the conversations that will be in the next issue's Letters Section without reading the current ones. That shit just won't make any sense.

—Tony wrote to us from an unspecified suburb complaining that our My, What A Busy Week! picks make him miss events that happen before the weekend, which is the only part of the week during which he comes to town. This is not our problem.

—Our look at the legacy of Vanport brought Scott the opportunity to remember some disturbingly racist language on some old documents pertaining to his house, and for James to remind us that the Vanport flood wasn't even the worst this area's seen, so... WATCH OUT FOR THAT.

—wolkenkaiser makes a disturbing comparison between the state of Portland's police bureau practices and that of Brazil in the 1980s, "where the cops were nothing more than savage thugs for drug lords and big-money interests, greeting the dawn by terrorizing and murdering street people, people who couldn't bribe them and had no hope of rising out of the shanties and into respectable slums."

—And finally, Todd offers to buy Hubby Kip a beer! How sweet.

And this weeks cover art without all the pesky text.
  • And this week's cover art without all the pesky text.