Adrianne Jeffries at The Verge wrote about some changes to Kickstarter's rules of service. You know how a project needed approval from the Kickstarter staff before it went live? That's no longer the case:

That’s partly why the company is announcing two major changes today aimed at presenting a "simpler, friendlier Kickstarter," in the words of co-founder and CEO Yancey Strickler. First, the rules for creators have been simplified from about 1,000 words to less than 300, and previously banned products are allowed back on the platform. Second, projects can now opt to "Launch Now" and bypass Kickstarter’s approval process.

I can't see how this makes Kickstarter more appealing. I've talked with people who are shocked to discover that their pledges don't guarantee that they'll ever receive a project in return. Now, without even Kickstarter staff vouching for the projects, I can't help but imagine the site being overrun with scammers and false promises. Maybe I'm wrong—feel free to bookmark this page to call me on it in a couple years—but to me this looks like Kickstarter is forsaking trustworthiness for profitability.