BRICK Maybe Ill just sit here and bleed at you.
  • BRICK "Maybe I'll just sit here and bleed at you."

... you presumably like great movies. Which means the news that Rian Johnson is reportedly going to write and direct the next two Star Wars movies—taking over for J.J. Abrams once 2015's Episode VII is done—should be exciting for you, too, not just for Star Wars nerds. From Brick to The Brothers Bloom to Looper, Johnson's one of the best, most unique writer/directors working today. I can't wait to see what he does with Star Wars—hopefully, he gets the freedom to do whatever he wants, and won't feel hemmed in—but man. Everybody should be excited to see pretty much anything he does, whether it contains lightsabers or not.

(I'm a pretty massive fan of Brick and Brothers Bloom and Looper, in case that wasn't clear. I also like lightsabers, so yes, I might be hyperventilating a little bit at this news. Ladies.)

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