Senate District 24 Candidate Forum
Residents of Senate District 24 will get the chance to hear from the three democratic candidates running for the seat at this panel hosted by Multnomah County Democrats. Audience members will have time to ask Shemia Fagan, Kayse Jama, and Rod Monroe questions following the moderated discussion. The Rosewood Initiative, 16126 SE Stark, 6:30-8:30 pm, FREE
Food Justice Workshop with Mudbone Grown and Oregon Food Bank
Like housing, food is a basic need that not everyone has access to. Explore food justice issues like agricultural sustainability, sovereignty, and access at this participatory session hosted by Mudbone Grown and the Oregon Food Bank. Oregon Food Bank, 7900 NE 33rd, 2:30-4 pm, FREE
Grant Writing for the People
This grant writing workshop is by and for community organizers. Led by Leila Haile of Ori Gallery, the class will cover mission statements, budget creation, research tips, and more. For those who can’t make it, you can join the Saturday session at the gallery from 1 to 2:30 pm. Ori Gallery, 4038 Mississippi, 6-7:30 pm, $20
Kindergarten Transition Bootcamp
The transition from early childhood to school age can be daunting for children with developmental disabilities and parents alike. Fortunately, several advocacy organizations have teamed up to provide tools, tips, and insights into how to ensure every kid is set up with all they need for a successful kindergarten year. Lunch is provided, but not childcare. Northwest Down Syndrome Association, 11611 NE Ainsworth, Suite 321, 8:30 am-1 pm, FREE
NXT LVL x She Shreds present J20 Rally and Party
On the anniversary of the Women’s March, choose to support women of color and nonbinary POC all day long at this rally and party organized by NXT LVL and She Shreds. The long list of activities includes music, speakers, a marketplace, Tender Table panel, and more. All proceeds benefit Brown Girl Rise, Queer Rock Camp, and Portland Menstrual Society. (Full disclosure: I’m on the lineup for this event.) PICA, 15 NE Hancock, Rally noon, $5; Party 7 pm-2 am, $15-25 sliding scale
MeToo March & SpeakOUT
Survivors of sexual assault and violence are encouraged to share their stories and triumphs at this assembly and march on the anniversary of 45’s inauguration and in honor of the #metoo movement. The organizing group says a larger action will also take place on International Women’s Day on March 8. Pioneer Courthouse Square, 701 SW 6th, 2-5 pm, FREE
Indigenous Womxn’s March: Honoring Red Fawn & Indigenous Womxn Warriors
This indigenous-led march is the evolution of last year’s Women’s March and will uplift womxn at all intersections whether Muslim, trans, Black, or veteran. Red Fawn, a political prisoner from the #NoDAPL movement currently awaiting trial, and the recently murdered Honduran environmental activist, Berta Cáceres, will be specially honored. Wear red. Terry D. Schrunk Plaza, 431 SW Madison, 1-4 pm, FREE
Paint Your Pet Caricature Fundraiser
Grab a brush and Picasso it up at this fundraiser for Oregon Friends of Shelter Animals. When you paint your beloved furry family members with the guidance of a skilled professional, you also raise money for the cause. The Loaded Brush, 5538 SE 22nd, 2-5 pm, $50
Changes: A Concert by Transpose PDX
Transpose is a community choir that is gender-affirming and empowering. The group will debut their first concert with a mix of original compositions and old favorites. Donation helps keep the chorus afloat, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Bridgeport United Church of Christ, 621 NE 76th, 4-6 pm, $10-15 suggested donation
July After Christmas: A Comedy & Burlesque Variety Show and Warm Supply Drive
Laugh out loud in the company of hilarious babes at this show that’ll make you sweat and help support Portland’s houseless community. Bring a clean coat and/or blanket for the donation drive and get your dance on after the show with a set by DJ Barbie Saint. Hosted by Daria Eliuk, and performers include the Mercury’s own Wm. Steven Humphrey and D Martin Austin, Nina Nightshade, and more! The Analog Café, 720 SE Hawthorne, 7-10 pm, $10 suggested donation
Anti-Racist Teach-In with Shawna Lipton
Immerse yourself in the quest for understanding whiteness with the direction of scholars at this anti-racist teach-in open to the public. Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible will be screened with a discussion to follow. Check the Facebook event page for resources on white privilege, race and racism, book recommendations, and articles. PNCA, 511 NW Broadway, 6-8 pm, FREE
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Parish & Clay Street Table
Beyond offering typical worship services and educational programs, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Parish provides space in collaboration with community partnerships to offer meals to people experiencing homelessness. Clay Street Table operates within the church and hosts a food pantry as well as the meal program with the help of other organizations.
Opportunities and commitment: Vital volunteer roles with varying commitment requirements include pantry help, meal service (Tuesday lunches and Saturday breakfast), administrative assistance, and more.
To sign up for volunteering, contact program director Dr. Paul Davis at paul [at] claystreettable [dot] org