Mamas Day Celebration: Power & Flowers
There is no single way to be a mother. Forward Together, a national organization advocating for policy changes in support of social justice, has partnered with several community artists to examine and challenge the notion of motherhood. Write cards to mamas, enjoy libations, and peruse a powerful art exhibit. Disjecta, 8371 N Interstate, 6-8 pm, FREE
Una Vida Mejor: A Tribute to the Original Dreamers
Last year, the Power to the Dreamers collective raised $16,000 to support organizations that uplift immigrant communities. This year, they’re set on raising $20k to benefit Pueblo Unido, a local nonprofit providing legal services for immigrants in East County. Browse artwork by undocumented artists, try your luck at several raffles, and listen to speakers discuss the original dreamers: DACA parents. Ecotrust, 721 NW 9th, 6-10 pm, $15
Free Naloxone Training
Naloxone is a medication that counters the effects of overdoses caused by opioids such as morphine, heroin, and oxycodone. Receive free training and supplies so you can walk away knowing how to save lives in an emergency. The 4th Dimension Recovery Center, 3807 NE MLK, 5-7 pm, FREE
Screening: 21 Cartas
Composer Darrell Grant has partnered with musician Edna Vazquez to create and perform songs that are inspired by letters written by mothers imprisoned at the South Texas Family Residential Center, a for-profit prison. The songs have been interwoven with portraits of Portland’s immigrant community, as produced by filmmaker Adolfo Cantú-Villarreal. Alberta Rose Theatre, 3000 NE Alberta, 7:30-9:30 pm, $5
Keaton Otis’ Nine-Year Memorial
The Otis family and community members have hosted monthly vigils in remembrance of Keaton Otis, a young Black man with mental illness killed by Portland police in 2010 after a traffic stop. Program for the ninth annual memorial will include contributions by local artists, activists, and community leaders. Maranatha Church, 4222 NE 12th, 6-8 pm, FREE
Emergency Preparedness: Animals in Jeopardy
While it can be scary to think about natural disasters, Jo Becker, a dedicated pet mom and Oregon City resident, is passionate about community preparedness and teaching with fun at the forefront. Shout out answers at this Jeopardy!-style info session, and arrive early for a free CPR instruction provided by Clackamas fire fighters. Oregon City Public Library, 606 John Adams, Oregon City, 6:30-7:45 pm, FREE
Jaha Dukureh: Gender Rights & The Global New Now
After receiving a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018, spending decades facilitating youth mobilization and campaigns against female genital mutilation in Gambia, and earning the first UN Women Goodwill Ambassador role for Africa, Jaha Dukureh has been building an African women’s grassroot leaders’ network. Learn more about Dukureh’s work at the latest in WorldOregon’s international speaker series. Newmark Theatre, 1111 SW Broadway, 7-8 pm, $20-175
Radical Activist Training: Thinking Like a Forest Plan
Mt. Hood National Forest’s management is guided by their Forest Plan, which was written in 1990—a time that environmental conservation nonprofit Bark says was marked by a disregard for environmental and logging impacts on salmon, drinking water, and more. Learn the ropes of how the Forest Plan works and dive into the revision writing work Bark is undertaking for the greater good. Children welcome. Bark, 351 NE 18th, 6-7:30 pm, FREE
Screening and Q&A: The Bail Trap
Join Don’t Shoot PDX, Prison Pipeline (airing Mondays 6:30-7 pm on KBOO), and KBOO Community Radio for a series of five short films and conversations about the prison industrial complex, realities of posting bail, and art performed by formerly incarcerated artists. Proceeds benefit KBOO and the Portland Freedom Fund. Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton, 7-9, $7-10
How Oregon’s Coming Financial Challenges Impact Communities
Budget shortfalls in the next decade will gravely affect public services for many communities in Oregon, from schools and water to fire protection and mental health. Join panelists from APANO, CAT, Kairos PDX, and PCUN for a discussion on the impacts on marginalized communities in part two of a three-part series presented by City Club of Portland. Sentinel, 614 SW 11th, noon-1:15 pm, $15-30
Indigenous Spring Marketplace
Stock up on wellness products, cute crafts, jewelry, and much more from more than 20 vendors at the latest installation of seasonal Indigenous marketplaces, produced by Indigenous Come Up and the Rockwood Center. The Rockwood Center, 17805 SE Stark, 10 am-4 pm, FREE
Rainbow Night Market
Come one, come all to Q Center’s inaugural nighttime marketplace centered around LGBTQ2SIA+ makers, artists, and/or entrepreneurs. In addition to shopping for many goods, attendees are also encouraged to donate supplies for care kits supporting basic needs of LBGTQ2SIA+ community members. Items needed include toiletries, socks, and non-perishable snacks. Q Center, 4115 N Mississippi, 4-10 pm, FREE
Cars for a Cause 2019
Check out souped-up lowriders, gorgeously restored old-timey rides, and many more car-related things at this annual auto show raising funds for local organizations. This year’s beneficiary is Portland Youth Builders. Spectators are encouraged to donate $1 and can pick up raffle tickets for a chance to win rad prizes. All vehicle makes and models are welcome to participate; register for $20 per car in advance or at the gate. Clackamas Town Center, 12000 SE 82nd, 10 am-2 pm, FREE
The Vanport Mosaic Festival
Browse the robust schedule of programming brimming with two weeks of opportunities to learn about and engage with the impacts—past and present—of the Vanport Floods. Standouts include the tours of significant sites of Vanport city and the Black Panther Party, a commemorative Rose Ceremony at Peninsula Park, exhibits by many artists including an audio installation at Jefferson High School, and more. Details at Various times and locations in, through June 5, FREE
Write Around Portland Turns 20: A Community Reading and Book Release
Join Write Around Portland to celebrate two decades of their vital work supporting writers of all kinds. Eat some cake, pick up a copy of their 56th anthology, and listen to readers share their work. The Rosewood Initiative, 16126 SE Stark, 6:30-8:30 pm, FREE