Cannabis Aug 5, 2015 at 4:20 pm

The Week in Cannabis


Don't sell your column short. A brain surgeon can learn how to be a rocket scientist reading the latest.
Cannadud ... Did you get paid to write this article? Try being interesting, unique or informative, pleeeease.
Experienced smokers can drive just fine on grass. Distractions such as smoking WHILE driving, talking on a cell phone, or playing with the radio, are the problem. However, when stoners read the warning labels on bottles of Empirin #3, not to operate heavy machinery, they tend to figure if it just gets you stoneder, then go right a fucking head.
Don't even bother listing potential counter-arguments to smoking while driving being a risk. Don't list other shitty things people do while driving. Don't give people EXCUSES to drive while high.

It hinders awareness and motor skills. That's all you need to know. That makes it dangerous while driving. I don't give a fuck if you drive 10mph while high - you still are not as fully aware and capable of reacting to your surroundings as you should be. It isn't a contest of who can be the shittiest driver - don't drive while impaired. PERIOD.
Studies have found that experienced smokers drive good, just the same stoned as straight. The anti Cannabis hysteria proliferates unfounded propaganda.

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