- Illustration: VINNIE NEUBERG
Long story short, the Oregon Court of Appeals agreed that, even though many neighbors complained about the smell emanating from Lang's apartment, pot smoke doesn't objectively stink. From the O:
The appeals court ruled that although rotten eggs or raw sewage are "physically offensive" odors to all, marijuana smoke isn't necessarily so.
"We are not prepared to declare that the odor of marijuana smoke is equivalent to the odor of garbage. Indeed, some people undoubtedly find the scent pleasing."
"(A)n odor that is very intense and persistent could reasonably be regarded as offensive even if it ordinarily might be considered pleasant — perfume, for example, or pungent spices," the appeals court wrote.
"Who determines whether a particular odor is offensive?" the appeals court added.
You wanna know who determines that? BLOGTOWN READERS, THAT'S WHO!