Dear stupid, stupid girl at Col. Summers Park a week or so ago. I watched from a distance while your off-leash dog chased some poor cat through the park while your douchebag friends cheered it on. Your dog proceeded to chase the cat right out of the park and across the busy street, barely missing becoming a street pizza -that would have made you cry and cause a scene no doubt, because it's all about you isn't it? You are a horrible person and don't deserve to own a pet. I'm all for ending petlessnesss but if you can't keep yours under control while it's off leash (which is illegal except in designated areas by the way) you have completely failed in your duty as this dog's guardian and deserve to lose custody. Pets are not your accessory you stupid, vacuous waste of air, they are your responsibility. I really hope your dog never gets hit by a car or kills someone beloved else's pet. You, on the other hand...