You know who you are. But wait, no you don't, therefore this rant. Before school starts, answer this pop quiz: Do you spend your day wondering why complete strangers are giving you dirty looks for no apparent reason? Perhaps people at work seem distant or downright hostile? Are you convinced that the entire universe revolves around you? Sadly, people suffering from these symptoms have been proven to be full-blown OBLIVIOTS{TM}.
There is a cure! Try these social-life saving remedies-DON'T subject fellow citizens to endless sounds of food wrappers crinkling/rummaging followed by stomach-churning mouth+lips smacking/mastigating noises, esp. when said victims are trapped with you in an enclosed space,like say, a bus, library, bathroom(!) etc. DON'T brush your teeth with your shirt off in the public kitchen of a hostel or dorm and then spit in the sink. DON'T yammer on perpetually at the top of your lungs on your phone (or to yourself) within the earshot of sane people. DON'T walk around with your ass hanging out of your pants (unless you are a shapely female, i guess). DON'T neglect personal hygene to the point where people can see the stink coming off of you like heat waves. DON'T treat restaurant staff like they are your slaves. DON'T talk shit about people in a different language right in front of them and assume they can't understand you.
Thanks for your attention, and remember- self-awareness is the OPPOSITE of selfishness.