To the person who bought a piece of my measly artwork at the bar. I sat there last night with the curator dude and much to my astonishment he informed me "you sold a piece". And what's more he continued "and they left you a two dollar tip". He tossed two Washington's on the bar before me and said "Here, these are for you". I sat there looking down at the two bills, dumbfounded. Genuine coin of the Realm for my trifling art and a $2 tip! Verily I say unto you, there is a God and he dwells in the heart of Man. I make art out of compulsion and occasionally find a venue to show it but I never expect anyone to throw money at me. So I'm here to say that I am flattered with two dollars to the good and I want to thank you from the bottom of my glass, er-uh, heart.