Oh how nice it was to see you from across the way on such a nice and sunny day. I know you waited for me to make eye contact with you, but luckily I was wearing my shades so really all I saw was your ugly face and poor poor man you were with that knows none of your dark fucked up secrets. I laughed inside as you smartly walked off, as I would've made your life miserable if you would've stayed. See, you still have no remorse, you still talk shit about me around town, and it all gets back to me, all of it. But I'm not the one who cheated multiple times, or lied every time you spoke. I may as well be a fucking fly on your bed post. You're known as the town drunk, picking up on anything that will give you attention. Too bad you had to go fuck people behind my back, take complete advantage of me and my personality, but you still begged for me to stay?? You're psycho, like none of your nasty ass secrets would ever surface? The best part of seeing you that day, is that you know that I know you better than any other person on earth, that must suck for you to know you'll never know me again, and no one will every treat you as kindly as I did. Can't wait to see you again you incensitive, cheating, liar of a bitch! I feel sorry for any man or woman that you may convince that you're not evil. You're an asshole, go fuck yourself!