To the crazy I Anonymous, you forgot about us: We know you, but you don't know us. That's OK, not because we read your I,A on the Merc that we attend services at on the web, but because we see that you’ve aborted fucking mission with follow up. We understand that the Ned Flanders look-alike you spoke about has been given you a cause to rant since the beginning of last week, but whatever YOU do, don't "Hulk out" on I Anonymous with {Part 1 of 3} and not fucking post 2 or 3. Don't resort to incompletion as a way to solve your problems. Everyone thinks you are ridiculously insane, don't make it worse. Whatever you have been experiencing, you should talk to someone about it. If you and ‘Submit an I, Anonymous’ collide, just talk to it. Even though we commentators are nobodies on this side of our computer, we can help you. Have a good day.